养生方法 7 个无意识的生活习惯,正在让你的血糖飙升!
一句话让你开始重视自己的血糖: 在中国,每 8 个成年人中就有 1 个糖尿病患者,每 5 个中国成年人中就有 2 个处于糖尿病前期。 这就意味着,一桌 8 个人的年夜饭上,约一半的人血糖已经不好了。 图片来源:丁香医生 糖尿病,早已不再是一个「老年病」。转发给家庭群,真心劝你和家人要重视起来了! 你可能会说,少吃点甜的呗。但其实,少吃甜食在我们在日常生活中可能很容易识别和规避,很多无意识飙升血糖的行为,你却没有注意到。 偶尔贪吃,偶尔熬夜,这都没什么。 重要的是提醒自己,在日常的生活习惯中,为自己的血糖健康,做一点点改变。 虽然我们要警惕高发的糖尿病,好消息是:通过生活方式干预能很大程度上预防糖尿病。 有研究表明,保持健康的生活方式,可以预防全人群约 73% 的糖尿病发生。 如果这篇内容有帮到你和家人,记得在文末点点小爱心❤️,新的一年,让我们一起守护一家人的血糖健康。 本文审核专家 参考文献 [ 1 ] Faerch K, Quist JS, Hulman A, Witte DR, Tabak AG, Brunner EJ, et al. Prospective association between late evening food consumption and risk of prediabetes and diabetes: the Whitehall II cohort study. Diabet Med. 2019;36:1256 – 60. ![]() [ 2 ] Chellappa SL, Qian J, Vujovic N, Morris CJ, Nedeltcheva A, Nguyen H, Rahman N, Heng SW, Kelly L, Kerlin-Monteiro K, Srivastav S, Wang W, Aeschbach D, Czeisler CA, Shea SA, Adler GK, Garaulet M, Scheer FAJL. Daytime eating prevents internal circadian misalignment and glucose intolerance in night work. Sci Adv. 2021 Dec 3;7 ( 49 ) :eabg9910 [ 3 ] Otsuka R, Tamakoshi K, Yatsuya H, Wada K, Matsushita K, OuYang P, Hotta Y, Takefuji S, Mitsuhashi H, Sugiura K, Sasaki S, Kral JG, Toyoshima H. Eating fast leads to insulin resistance: findings in middle-aged Japanese men and women. Prev Med. 2008 Feb;46 ( 2 ) :154-9 [ 4 ] Saito Y, Kajiyama S, Nitta A, Miyawaki T, Matsumoto S, Ozasa N, Kajiyama S, Hashimoto Y, Fukui M, Imai S. Eating Fast Has a Significant Impact on Glycemic Excursion in Healthy Women: Randomized Controlled Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients. 2020 Sep 10;12 ( 9 ) :2767. [ 5 ] Sluik D, Atkinson FS, Brand-Miller JC, Fogelholm M, Raben A, Feskens EJM. Contributors to dietary glycaemic index and glycaemic load in the Netherlands: the role of beer. British Journal of Nutrition. 2016;115 ( 7 ) :1218-1225. [ 6 ] Katja A H ä t ö nen, Jarmo Virtamo, Johan G Eriksson, Mia-Maria Per ä l ä , Harri K Sinkko, Jaana Leivisk ä , Liisa M Valsta,Modifying effects of alcohol on the postprandial glucose and insulin responses in healthy subjects123,The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,Volume 96, Issue 1,2012,Pages 44-49 [ 7 ] Genevieve N. Healy, David W. Dunstan, Jo Salmon, Ester Cerin, Jonathan E. Shaw, Paul Z. Zimmet, Neville Owen; Objectively Measured Light-Intensity Physical Activity Is Independently Associated With 2-h Plasma Glucose. Diabetes Care 1 June 2007; 30 ( 6 ) : 1384 – 1389. [ 8 ] David W. Dunstan, Bronwyn A. Kingwell, Robyn Larsen, Genevieve N. Healy, Ester Cerin, Marc T. Hamilton, Jonathan E. Shaw, David A. Bertovic, Paul Z. Zimmet, Jo Salmon, Neville Owen; Breaking Up Prolonged Sitting Reduces Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Responses. Diabetes Care 1 May 2012; 35 ( 5 ) : 976 – 983. [ 9 ] Muraki I, Imamura F, Manson JE, Hu FB, Willett WC, van Dam RM, Sun Q. Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: results from three prospective longitudinal cohort studies. BMJ. 2013 Aug 28;347:f5001. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f5001IF: 93.6 Q1 . Erratum in: BMJ. 2013;347:f6935. [ 10 ] 杨月欣 .《中国食物成分表(标准版)》 [ M ] . 第 6 版,北京医科大学出版社 . 2018 年 策划制作 365建站客服QQ:800083652策划:奥布雷 | 监制:Feidi 设计:四七 | 封面图来源:四七 365站群配图:站酷海洛、图虫创意 最近微信改版了,有读者说找不到我们的文章 大家记得把丁香医生设为星标� � 哦~